Why COE is Proud to Focus on Teamwork

Why COE is Proud to Focus on Teamwork

Posted by J.D. Ewing on Mar 4th 2023

Recently, I wrote about the COE Core Values and started a series going more in-depth, starting with Customer Service, Safety, Respect, and Quality. Today, we’re continuing the discussion with our next Core Value of Teamwork. Working together as a team is essential for success in the workplace. Teamwork creates an environment where everyone has the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and work collaboratively to reach a common goal. It can lead to increased efficiency, improved communication, and better problem-solving, all of which are critical in achieving success. Teamwork is a key factor in helping organizations reach their goals and remain competitive in a constantly evolving business environment. By recognizing the importance of working together, businesses are able to leverage the collective strengths of their teams to achieve greater success.

Benefits of Teamwork

Teamwork has many benefits. It can increase efficiency and productivity, improve communication, encourage creativity, foster trust, and build a sense of community among team members. It can also help to attract and retain employees and make it easier to solve problems. Teams that work well together are more likely to be productive and successful, which is important for organizations to reach their goals and remain competitive in a constantly evolving business environment. Teams that work together effectively often exceed expectations, brainstorm more effectively, and work more efficiently. This can allow them to accomplish more in less time, increase their visibility and credibility, and improve their chances of receiving a promotion or bonus. Teams that work well together also have lower turnover rates, which can save a company money and help it to retain employees for long periods.

Establishing a Successful Teamwork Environment

In order to create a successful Teamwork environment, employers should first determine what type of culture is best for their organization. Some factors to consider include the size of the team, the type of work being done, the location of the office, and the level of seniority of the employees. Once a decision is reached, leaders should then follow through by actively promoting Teamwork among team members. Leaders can also help to sustain a positive Teamwork culture by removing any barriers that get in the way of effective collaboration. This may include addressing any interpersonal issues that arise, providing opportunities for team members to work together outside of normal working hours, and providing valuable resources that make collaboration easier. Employers should also be consistent with their methods of promoting Teamwork, as this will help to cement the culture and make it stronger.

Teamwork is a Core Value that doesn’t have to be for just one person, or one group. It’s the company as a whole. COE isn’t just one place - sometimes, our locations have to utilize Teamwork to get the job done. I asked Robert J Showalter, one of our Freight Specialists, to provide his thoughts on our Core Value of Teamwork: “Teamwork, in my opinion, is one of the most important Core Values we can exude. We all know how important timely deliveries are to our customers and sometimes we need to make decisions to move orders from DC to DC in order to service the customer the right way. Teamwork is especially important to COE and its employees because our goal should be servicing the customer first and foremost – this in turn creates a long term customer that won’t have to go to a competitor to order products because we do what needs done to serve the customer no matter what it takes.” A great example of collaboration!

Encouraging Collaboration Among Team Members

Employers can promote collaboration among team members by encouraging them to work together and make the most of their time together. They can also provide opportunities for team members to work on projects together. This may include rotating employees to work with other teams, setting up cross-functional teams, or removing physical barriers in the workplace to create a sense of unity in the atmosphere. Leaders can also help to create an environment where employees feel safe enough to share ideas, collaborate, and be creative by following these steps:

  • Create an Open & Inclusive Environment
  • Put an Emphasis on Team Success
  • Focus on Strengths, Not Weaknesses
  • Establish Trust
  • Provide Clear Guidelines
  • Avoid Micromanaging
  • Provide Training on How to Work Together Effectively
  • Make it Easy for Employees to Communicate Effectively
  • Emphasize Collaboration as a Natural Part of the Process
  • Remain Consistent & Approachable
  • Avoid Playing Favorites

Although it may seem like these steps are already included in the duties of a leader, they are often overlooked. If leaders take charge of facilitating group collaboration, the entire team will be more productive and creative.

Teamwork is an important aspect of the workplace. It can increase efficiency and productivity, improve communication, encourage creativity, foster trust, and build a sense of community among team members. It can also help to attract and retain employees and make it easier to solve problems. Teams that work well together are more likely to be productive and successful, which is important for organizations to reach their goals and remain competitive in a constantly evolving business environment. For all of these reasons it’s easy to see why Teamwork is an important COE Core Value. 

You know what they say, "Teamwork makes the dream work!"